CASE: 56 years old – Chronic Venous Disease.
Infected with Ps. Aeruginosa.
After 12 days treatment with K-Sept. Surgical cleaning made on day 1 and antibiotics administered.
CASE: 73 years old –Diabetic Ulcer.
14 days treatment with K-Sept.
Photo taken after 60 days
CASE: 67 years old Gangrene of large toe – amputation
Treatment with K-Sept to remove extraneous cellular tissue and pathogenic material enabled fast healing.
Concept for Pharmacy is a privately owned pharmaceutical company founded in 1985. We specialize in production in three separate divisions: pharmaceutical compounding, disinfection agents for various fields and deviceuticals. The company is GMP & GPP compliant and is certified ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016. Read more